Rotate didn't help the situation by holding the release version from everyone and too close to their chest, including the beta testers. So I had my serious concerns that way before the release the MD-11, seriously over hyped, seriously difficult to learn. Then I really fell in love with this very confronting aircraft, when it worked it really was sensational and challenging. I took me a week to do so (an early warning in there that this was not going to be an easy release), early versions were extremely buggy and that did not help, but in the last beta we received it was really very good and everything fell into place, yes I crashed, yes I fell into the ocean (I have the pictures to prove it), yes I had to double-click actions, but gradually we mastered it, then the MD-11 really started to shine. We found very early on in the beta testing this was not a normal aircraft to fly and learn, it was on another level again, and you must readjust to another skill level of flying with these very complicated machines. For one the hype and buildup was off the chart, nothing released could live up to those sort of orbital expectations. To a point both sides had to take some of the blame. They don't know the bugs sometimes until they can see them. It is the speed in which the developers (in this case Rotate) reacts and covers those fixes and bugs, and in the speed in how they do that, and in this aspect Rotate has more than delivered. Several things are to be noted here, one is that any X-Plane user should know that any release of an aircraft, then it will come with release bugs, certainly with one of this complexity and it's deep systems. Talk about a firestorm, it was actually quite embarrassing to watch from the sidelines. There is no doubt that the Rotate MD-11 was one of the most controversial aircraft releases in X-Plane, if ever, certainly in the time I have been in the simulator. You can now only currently download the update by the X-Plane.OrgStore as there is currently no updater used with the aircraft. This is another big update in v1.03.9 to cover a lot of bugs and fix a load of areas for the new McDonnell Douglas MD-11 by Rotate. NEWS! - Aircraft Updated : McDonnell Douglas MD-11 v1.03.9 by Rotate